What To Cook With This Month

Whether or not the weather is with us, spring is certainly here. And summer doesn't feel too far away!

We're finding new inspiration in Nathaniel Smith's wonderful new recipes, full of the flavours of Jamaica, sunshine, and warmth. Don't miss his unbeatable sticky tamarind ribs (pictured above).

And if your thoughts are turning to BBQs, then make sure you revisit chef Jenny Greenhalgh's fantastic collection of smoky BBQ ideas. Including Pomegranate molasses smoked goat tacos, and Szechuan lamb belly bao buns.

10 amazing ingredients to try this month

Pomegranate Molasses, 300ml

Traditionally in smoked BBQ recipes you season the meat with sugar as well as salt and pepper. But you can create a similar accented flavour here with pomegranate molasses. It also adds a fruity sour note which pairs so well with the rich goat meat.

Huilerie Beaujolaise Virgin Pistachio Oil, 250ml

Virgin pistachio oil has a distinctive nutty flavour and glorious green-gold colour. It’s great for baking, adding subtle notes of pistachio to flapjacks, granola, cakes and cookies.

You can use it to make a vibrant pistachio pesto for pasta and crostini or even drizzle it over gelato. It’s a wonderful finishing oil for seared scallops, prawns and grain salads with herbs and pomegranate seeds.

This virgin oil is made from chopped and roasted pistachios which are pressed for over two hours. This lengthy extraction process preserves the natural flavour and aroma of the nuts.

Belamandil Hand Harvest Fine Sea Salt, 400g

The fine Portuguese sea salt is a superb flavour enhancer. It takes grilled asparagus and rib eye steaks to the next level.

Sprinkle this fine salt over potato wedges or add a pinch to salad dressings.

Flor de sal has a high moisture content so it melts slower when sprinkled over dishes. It comes in a container sealed with a cork lid to prevent the crystals from drying out.

Belamandil flor de sal is harvested by hand from centuries-old Portuguese salt pans. The salt workers, called marnotos, use traditional methods to collect the delicate crystals. It’s a 100% natural process, without the use of any additives or machines.

For de sal is used by top chefs and home cooks around the world. It’s typically used as a finishing salt to allow its clean, briny flavour to shine.

Sabarot Extra Large Burgundy Snails

Sabarot’s extra large Burgundy snails are a gourmet delight for French food lovers. Simply rinse, drain and then prepare them however you like.

They’re perfect for making the classic French delicacy, escargot, where they are baked in their shells with garlic butter. Served with white wine and crusty bread, they make a simple but delicious dinner party starter.

These large snails can be added to a Valencian paella with rabbit or used to garnish steaks and venison.

You can also fry them with butter, garlic and parsley to serve on toasted bread or puff pastry vol-au-vents. Served as a canapé, they’re sure to surprise and delight your guests.

Cavi-Art Tosago Orange Vegan Caviar, 500g

Cavi-art tosago orange seaweed caviar is a sustainable, vegan alternative to fish roe. With its bright orange colour and bold flavour, it can be used as a substitute for masago and tobiko when making sushi. It’s also great on crab cakes, omelettes, crackers and salads.

Small orange fish roe is popular in Scandinavian cooking, and is delicious with sour cream and dill in a sauce for salmon. It keeps well once opened, so you don't need to worry about using a lot at once - unlike traditional orange caviar. 

You can also serve on blinis, open sandwiches, scrambled eggs and seared scallops.

Leone Gianduja Hazelnut Chocolate Spread Tube, 115g

Squeeze Leone’s Gianduja hazelnut chocolate spread tube for an indulgent treat in an instant! This handy tube makes enjoying chocolate spread quick and mess free. Squeeze out like toothpaste.

We particularly like it in BBC Masterchef cook Giovanna Ryan's BBQ Banana Flatbreads,

Nicolas Alziari Fleur de Sel de Guerande in Bag, 125g

Fleur de sel de Guérande is one of the world’s most famous sea salts. It adds big mineral flavours to fish dishes, grilled meats and seafood. The salt is hand-harvested by workers called ‘Paludiers’, using methods that are over 1,000 years old.

Fleur de sel de Guérande should only be used as a finishing salt – never in cooking. Keep the pouch on the dining table and add a pinch to tomato salads, or sprinkle the flakes over a steak.

The fleur de se de Guérande in its charming cloth bag is a great foodie gift, that will be much appreciated by keen cooks.

Wild Fennel Pollen From Calabria, 15g

Fennel pollen is a rare luxury - tiny dried heads of wild fennel flowers. The spice has a sweeter and far more intense flavour than fennel seeds, meaning that a little goes a long way.

Fennel pollen’s nickname – The Spice of Angels – is probably a more appropriate way of labelling the spice. Partly because the smallest pinch of wild fennel pollen can transform a dish with heavenly, honey-aniseed flavours.

And also because the name fits with the precious nature of wild fennel pollen. Like saffron, it takes a lot of picking to produce a small amount, making fennel pollen one of the most highly-revered spices out there.

Edible Dried Mixed Flower Petals, 3g

Edible dried mixed flower petals make a stunning garnish for sweet and savoury recipes.

This joyful mix is blue, orange, pink, cream and lilac. Use the delicate petals to decorate a home-made wedding cake. Or add impact to tabbouleh and mixed grain salads.

Use this edible ‘confetti’ to elevate a simple leaf salad. Or sprinkle the petals over a quenelle of ice-cream for a quick dessert with impact.

Honest Toil Kalamata Olives, 215g

Honest Toil’s kalamata olives have a rich, salty flavour that’s perfect for salads and tapenade. Deep purple in colour, the olives have a firm, meaty texture and an addictive bitter taste.

They are a delicious addition to grazing boards, antipasti platters and mezze feasts. Ripened in the Greek sunshine, kalamata olives have an intense flavour that can stand up to other bold ingredients.

Pair them with spicy salami on a pizza or salty feta in a classic Greek salad. They’re ideal for baking into bread or to serve as a snack with wine or beer.

Dijon Mustard With Tarragon, 105g

This tarragon mustard from artisan 'moutarderie' Edmond Fallot is made from mustard seeds, verjuice and fresh tarragon leaves.

The mustard seeds are milled and sieved to produce a smooth Dijon mustard with characteristic bite.

This Dijon mustard with tarragon is perfect for cutting through the fattiness of meat, whilst its warm aromatic flavour from the tarragon works well with fish and in vinaigrettes.

Try making a crayfish cocktail by mixing together crayfish, Dijon mustard with tarragon and a little mayonnaise. Or make a vinaigrette with the tarragon mustard to dress a goat's cheese salad. 

More Ideas To Try This Month


TRY: Su Scott's new recipes from Pocha, her Korean cookbook.


 Salted Soy Sauce Caramel Bites Ganjang Caramel Recipe

 Kimchi Dumplings

 Crispy Seaweed Roll, Gimmari

Head to the Bureau of Taste to keep up to date with the freshest ideas and food trends.

MORE: Discover what's new this month, and try the latest products ingredients and cookware before word gets out!



  • I enjoy receiving emails from Sous chef with suggestions of new ingredients to explore. Makes my mouth water even more.

    Leonardo Sullivan on

  • Sandra Walton has a point. While Mediterranean recipes and ingredients are redolent of summer for us sun-starved Brits, there’s also much to be said for Arctic char, venison and cold cucumber soup, to mention but three.

    Helen on

  • How about some Northern European ingredients? Scandinavian, German, Polish for example.

    Sandra Walton on

  • How long to cook in the dutch oven the oxtails in the recipe. It doesn’t say before you add the other contents.? I know, do others!

    Paul Bailey on

  • I live in France – don’t believe all the hype about French food and French cuisine. The meats especially can’t hold a candle to English produce. Wish we could get sous Chef out here.

    John Greenwood on

  • I’ve also just discovered Sous Chef. These recipes look wonderful. So glad I found you!

    Pauline Liu-Devereux on

  • Love llve love

    Steven Foxcroft on

  • I’ve only just discovered Sous Chef. I feel as if I’ve stumbled into a secret treasure trove of culinary delights!

    Judy May on

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